Shopping on FantaStreet is safe, fast and convenient. Currently, we provide Paypal and credit card as main payment methods.

Paypal is the primary payment method.
In order to provide convenience to more users, we also provide Asiabill as a payment channel. Through Asiabill, you can pay with MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and JCB.
The following is a description of the checkout process.
1) Fill in The Shipping Address Info

- If you already have an account with FantaStreet, you can choose to log in here and use the previous delivery address, or you can choose Paypal Express payment process.
- Fill in the contact email to receive order information and to facilitate contact with our customer service team.
- The checkbox keep me up to date on news and exclusive offers is recommended,so that you can accept the latest product or promotion information.
Note, please fill in the shipping address carefully and provide a contact phone number, so as to ensure the successful delivery of your package.
After that, check that it is correct and click Continue to Shipping.
2) Select Logistics Methods
At present, we provide two types of logistics, Standard and Expedited, please choose according to your need.
Note: When the order amount reaches the specified amount (different between countries), the "standard" method is free. Buying multiple products to reach this amount can save you more money.
3) Select Payment Method
Choose to pay by Paypal or Credit/Debit card (provided by Asiabill).

Note: FantaStreet may add more payment channels to choose from or change to better service providers.
If you choose Paypal and click Complete order, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your purchase securely.
Paypal Payment Process
If you have a Paypal account, you will be redirected to the Paypal payment page or login page, depending on whether you keep the paypal login status.

- If you do not have a Paypal account, you can click Pay with Credit or Debit Card to pay by credit card.
- You may see a string which including Chinese characters "Cancel and return to 深圳市掌之门科技有限公司" at the bottom of the page(different between contries), which is the Chinese name of the our company Shenzhen Zhangzhimen Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Credit/Debit Payment Process
If you choose Credit/Debit Card and click Complete order, you will be redirected to Asiabill to complete your purchase securely.

For further information, please feel free to contact us.